Monday, August 16, 2004

We're taking bets that Charley was a bad bad man...

Well the damage has been assessed and Charley is going to cost upwards of $14 Billion. First off I would like for someone to explain to me how insurance adjusters were able to assess it that quickly since getting someone to check out the dent in your fender can take weeks. Do you think that Snoopy has really been working overtime for Metlife? I guess they do mean it when they say StateFarm is there. $14 Billion seems like a crazy amount of money. Though I guess if we compare it to the national debt it probably is like having to fill up a SUV instead of your red Honda Civic. Well at least I now know that Florida will always be a great place to visit, but never a great place to live. Nice weather, no taxes and major natural disaster just about every year depending on which way wind feels like going.

Secondly, I never realized until today that the two top insurance companies (StateFarm and Allstate) are based in Illinois. Illinois just doesn't scream insurance capital of the United States, but I guess neither did Hartford, CT when it was. Though Hartford did seem a little uptight at the time. Can a state be uptight? Actually I think Delaware is, but that is more of a state having a Napolean complex. Although I think it would be fun to watch a "Celebrity Deathmatch" with Rhode Island and Delaware fighting it out. Anyhoo.

Hurricanes absolutely are fascinating. Basically just raining and swirling wind getting together to make human's lives miserable. You know that Mother Nature is sitting in her Oak Tree in the sky laughing at all us puny humans. It may sound corny, but I think those movies where the evil genius is developing a machine to control the weather may have it right. (Although The Avengers was an awful movie Sean Connery was trying to take over the world with a weather machine Ms. Moneypenny.) I mean we have shown time and time again that we cannot beat the weather no matter how prepared we are. Do you remember the 1989 Earthquake in California or Hurricane Gloria - Andrew - Floyd or the Blizzard of '78? We have even researched how to stop hurricanes and we have failed.

So this leads me to the thought of who would win in a fight? A blizzard or a Hurricane? If I harken back to the old days of SNL I think that Ditka would kick both their asses and have time for a sausage before bedtime. I will put my $20 on the blizzard. I heard the odds are like 7 Billion to one that they will win. Maybe they will pull of the upset and I could help out Florida with my $14 Billion. :)

For those of you who read yesterdays blog I have a car chase update. They ran out of gas. I will print the link, but one guy had a warrant out because, get this, he was in another car chase. He's living the American dream.,1413,105~4761~2338332,00.html

Have a great night.

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