Monday, August 16, 2004

We're taking bets that you love car chases.

Now I know that everyone gets excited about police car chases. EVERYONE!!! Do not think you are special and aren't intrigued by them. I even have evidence. People in California watch them on television live and the rest of the world watches "TV's Most Incredible Car Chases" on Fox or FX or another station with the letters "F" and "X" in it. Tonight I saw one in Lowell on the VFW Highway. Yes that is right Lowell, MA. There was 8 to 10 police cars chasing a a Red Honda Civic going about 80 mph. Now I had the same thought everyone has when they see a car chase... "Oooh that looks like fun." You may not want to be in the situation that the idiot driving has gotten themself in, but getting chased while driving like a maniac is a hidden dream for most.

There are a million and one reasons why it is dangerous, but a small part of us wants to be Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity or The Bourne Supremacy. Why do you think that Thelma & Louise had such a great ending? Two women running from the Law in a convertible that will eventually go over a cliff. It doesn't get much more exciting than that. I think that is why most great action movies have car chases. We can dream that it is actually us involved. Not like Ahnuld hanging from a building or Bruce Willis getting shot 44 times and still living, but a honest to goodness everyday car chase.

I bet the cops here in Lowell were excited about that. I mean New England roads are not really made for car chases. Way too windy(no not windy, but windy) and small. Windy and small leads to destroyed and mangled. That is when you get a tire in the face or a flight through the windshield. The opposite applies here. You never want to be involved in a car crash, but you definitely want to see it after.

The funny thing is everyone that I was in the car with that witness the racing down the VFW wanted to get an update of what happened. Probably because I said I was going to listen to the UML Police band to find any info I could. Unfortunately, I did not get any good info. Hopefully the will tomorrwow. So if my bet is right tomorrow people will be asking what happened in the crazy Lowell Car Chase of 2004. Night everyone.

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