Friday, August 20, 2004

We're taking bets that Maury Povich cares...

Today someone said that they like Maury Povich because he really cares. Now part of me thinks that is one of the funniest statements I have ever heard. I mean talk show hosts actually caring about their guests. It seems like a concept that went out with Phil Donahue in the early nineties.

I believe that just about everyone would say that Oprah cares about her guests. Which is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever heard. She cares more about her bottom line than her guests. HARPO Productions and O magazine are really what she cares about. A friend stated to me that, "she seems false now; not the hug the audience members and cry with them oprah I KNEW IN THE 80'S!" I completely agree. Oprah was much more compassionate when she was fatter. Oprah being skinny is disturbing and probably makes her much more cranky. BRING BACK FAT OPRAH!!!

We all know that Jerry, Ricki and Dr. Phil don't care. Don't even get me started on any of them. The great debate should now be do Maury and Montel care? They actually have some shows of substance. They have relatively normal studio audiences and they are more convincing than anyone else out there. Tell me what you think...


Randy said...

I agree.
Check this out:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »