Sunday, August 29, 2004

We're taking bets that ick is a great name for a fish disease

My fish have ick. Now I know that you are supposed to spell it ich, but I think ick fits much better. Why don't we have human disease named like that. It would make for much more interesting conversations.

"Erin I cannot come to work today my Eew is acting up."
"Annie did you get over that case of the ughs?"
"Sara you look like you are coming down with the yucks."

It doesn't get much better than that. Unfortunately ick is a horrible fish parasite that has killed many of my fish. I am not sure if it is Fox Hall water or the Lowell, MA water problem. Either way I have to completely clean my tank of ick. Any way I am tired and my throat is a little sore maybe I have Bleck! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg, It's Krystina... I just read the sad tale of your sick little fishy... Yes the Lowell water is gross and fucktard (my betta) probably would be dead if it wasn't for aquasafe. So i was wondering if you put any sort of treatment in your water? If you don't, it might be a good idea. You're more than welcome to try some of mine if you like. Hope your fish gets better!