Thursday, November 04, 2004

We're taking bets that voting still mattered...

So George W. Bush (GWB) won the election in case any of you did not know. For me this is a small tragedy, but I will get over it and hope that in four years we will get a Democrat into the White House or maybe even a Republican that I like. I want to just remind everyone that your vote still mattered even if you didn't like the outcome.

It is funny though that so many more people got out to vote this year and that was supposed to be so beneficial for Kerry. It is kind of like being told that if you smile at everyone you will have more sex. So everyone goes out the next day smiling like a fool and most people don't have more sex. Basically it was beneficial for the country to have over 110 million people vote, but on a whole we didn't get a ton out of it. Though I guess that is hypocritical because your vote was your voice, so you were able to express yourself. I just hope that 110 million people vote next November even if it is not a presidential election. Your vote does matter no matter what you think.


Nai said...

Voter turnout was up but it was still abysmal considering how many people did not vote.

Also all the demographics that would have most likely voted against Bush stayed home. I am as always disheartened that the percentage of 18 - 24 year old who turned out remained the same as in 2000 (18%). God hope there will be no draft, because then their apathy will bite them in the ass.


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