Monday, September 11, 2006

We're taking bets it is time to remember...

9/11/01 will always be an important day in our history. I look back and realize that it significantly changed my life. At the time I was dating Barbara and her family's safety was my number one concern. She isn't in my life anymore, but it taught me to look at what is really important in life. It also brought my relationship with my siblings a little closer together as Julianne and Rob came up to Lowell to hang out on the following Friday. Whether they realize it or not it allowed me to feel more a part of my family when often times I made myself the outsider.

I became much more aware of people's feeling towards others. I was always a champion of diversity and understanding differences, but it has now become a passion of mine. I do believe that we all can get along if we just take the time to get to know each other. Every race, religion, and culture will have assholes that fit each of the stereotypes, but they do not speak for the whole. We need to learn how to meet everyone where they are at and let them grow to their next level. Hopefully our future leaders will look at this and not jump to conclusions when dealing with other countries.

9/11/01 was a tragic day, but we need to remember that sometimes out of tragedy comes greatness. We need to turn this day into a positive one. People still have birthdays and anniversaries on this day. Do not always be sad about 9/11, but rather remember fondly the people that died as well as the heroes of the day. Remember that the United States is a great country that provides us with so much opportunity. Remember that if we believe in each other and recognize everyone is an individual peace may happen one day.


Anonymous said...

Very well said...

P McT said...
