Tuesday, September 05, 2006

WTBT Volume 49 Series 2006...

We're taking bets that...

* you are glad that not one news headline about Steve Irwin said, "CRIKEY!"
* it is nice to here that David Ortiz is cleared to play baseball again.
* Rosie O'Donnell is going to kill Elisabeth Hasselbeck before she finishes with The View for the sole reason that she has an "S" in her name.
* parents can be effing nuts when it comes to sports and their children.
* Tiger Woods is so good right now that Jesus would have a tough time beating him in golf.
* you cannot even begin to fathom that 180,000 acres were destroyed by fire in Montana.
* the Texas/Ohio State game will be the best college football game of the year.
* those Vermonters are just crazy.
* you are a little bit excited about Katie Couric on CBS Evening News tonight.
* sometimes sister jokes are funny, but not in soccer.
* Millenials really have it the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm also glad that not one headline about Steve Irwin said "He Was in Real Danger This Time" (a take on his famous line "I'm in no real danger here").