Wednesday, September 06, 2006

WTBT Volume 50 Series 2006...

We're taking bets that...

* GWB and the secret prisons don't bode well for the Republicans.
* the picture of the guy in this prisons article is pretty creepy.
* you have to love Bill Simmons mainly for articles like this.
* someone with major phallic issues is going to buy the John Hancock Tower in Boston.
* it would be unbelievable if the Giants make the playoffs this year and Barry Bonds becomes a World Series hero.
* sometimes it isn't okay to be free balling.
* drug users should be careful what you are smoking because it could make you nuts.
* Bryant Gumbel got lucky that his leash remarks didn't get him fired for NFL TV.
* going from one job to another can be scary, but students like the ones at QU can make it awesome.
* catching up with your best friend is great, but sad when you realize you haven't talked because of work.
* the new features of suck.
* you're old if you don't know what Facebook is.
* it's weird that Suri Cruise has more hair than Tom and she is only 5 months old.
* you are ready for FOOTBALL TOMORROW!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe Cullen should move to Vermont, where nudity is apparently all the rage.

Liz said...

Gumbel shouldn't have been fired for saying what EVERY OTHER PERSON IN FOOTBALL has thought.

Anonymous said...

I love The Sports Guy anyways, but this might be my favorite line in the whole article this year:

"To the surreal Bledsoe-Owens tandem, which gives me the same giddy, get-ready-for-anything feeling I get every time Flava Flav is handing out clocks to drunken bimbos at the end of "Flava of Love."