Thursday, September 21, 2006

We're taking bets that you really wanna be cool...

Hello WTBT Readers!!! I hope that life is going well. The sun is currently shining here in Connecticut. It is question time. I hope you enjoy these questions. Please put your answers in the comments section and invite others to participate. You can be anonymous if you have to be.

A. What item of clothing or outfit do you wear and feel "cool" in?

B. What are 3 things that define a person being "cool" to you?

C. If you could live in any other state than the ones you have lived in where would it be and why?


A. For me it is when I get dressed up in a nice dress shirt that is a fun color or has a fun pattern. I feel cool and stylish.

B. A person who is cool
1. acts like nothing ever bothers them and could handle any situation

2. They know the right thing to say and when to be funny at all times.
3. They always look comfortable with themselves and life around them.

C. I have always thought that living in Virginia(more towards the coast) would be fun to do. It is in the south, but not completely. You have some major cities and you do get the seasons. Plus you could jaunt up to DC anytime you wanted.


Anonymous said...

A. Nice jeans, boots and usually shirt and leather jacket.

B. Cool is:
1. Someone who is quirky and doesn't care
2. When someone does things out of the ordinary because it makes other people happy, and especially if they have to go out of their way or step out of their comfort zone to do it.
3. When they have a little funk in them-and I'm not talking like Syphilis or Athletes Foot-like if they play guitar or write poetry at wine bars.

3. Illinois. There's a possibility that I may decide to move to Chicago after I graduate. I have heard it's a neat place to live if you are young and single, that the foodie culture is big and that it is cold. All things I like.

Anonymous said...

A. Nice jeans, button down white shirt over a tank top, black chunky shoes.

B. Someone who is cool has a heart truly made of gold and is selfless, is strong in their convictions and sways for nothing, and is comfortable with themselves and their surroundings.

C. Tennessee. It's official now that I'm the only one of my mother's kids that's living in New England, and I miss my family terribly. But - I'd only go there if Steve went with me, because he's my family now (yes, you can vomit, please feel free). :-)

Anonymous said...

A. my red hot puma shoes!!

B. confident, smoothing talking, stands out and doesnt blend in with everyone else

C. North Carolina... i dont know why but since i was about 10 i have wanted to live there.