Thursday, September 14, 2006

We're taking bets that I don't care how much drugs it takes I couldn't do this...

Hello WTBT Readers!!! I hope that life is going splendidly for everyone. It is a dreary Thursday in Southern New England, but fun times are here because it is question time. I hope you enjoy these questions. Please put your answers in the comments section and invite others to participate. You can be anonymous if you have to be.

A. A Connecticut woman gave birth to the largest baby ever. That had to hurt. What do you think is the worst pain you can have an survive from?

B. You can cast any actor no longer alive to play you in a film about your life. Whom would you cast in the role?

C. What is your favorite smell of the Fall? or do you prefer Autumn?


A. I think that although childbirth and getting hit in the kibbles and bits are extremely painful the worst pain must be a spinal tap. Anyone that has ever had it described would never ever want to do it again. I know no one really wants to get hit in the goodie basket again, but it isn't that bad. Women have more than one child all the time. So that has to be the worst pain.

B. I would chose Cary Grant because he was debonair, funny, charming and extremely well put together. You should watch him in Arsenic and Old Lace or The Philadelphia Story. He is fantastic.

C. My favorite smell of Autumn (My preferred choice) is the combination of apple and cinnamon. It is most excellent and always makes me feel warm inside.


Anonymous said...

Ok. SO you once called me a trooper-101 temp and all, here are my answers:

A. I've heard that losing a limb or a digit is the most painful experience, and I know alot of people who are living with nubs. But childbirth much hurt alot too. Not having experienced either, it's hard to choose which one.

B. I don't have an answer to this question, but your choice is quite good.

C. My most favorite smell of autumn is the air. I can't describe it, but it's crisp and leafy. I also love when people start their wood stoves or fireplaces on the cusp of winter. Oh the lovely smells of autumn. I could go on, as you know...

Anonymous said...

A. Frist off, i bet childbirth hurts just as much for the child as it does for the mother... and thus, men too have experienced the pain of childbirth. to answer the question though, the largest kidney stone to date is about 3 inches in diameter... need i say more?

B. I would cast Ryan Reynolds because he is funny, but also quite bad-ass as he proved in Blade: Trinity.

C. My favorite Smell of autumn is the smell in the middle of the leaf pile that you get after having jumped into it (the smell is even better if you didnt have to rake them first and dont have to re-rake them after).

Anonymous said...

1. Uh... maybe childbirth? Maybe a kidney stone? Maybe a spinal tap? The worst pain I've experienced so far has been a sprained ankle, so it's hard to say... maybe bad gas?

2. Any one no longer alive, eh? *thinks* Maybe Marilyn Monroe - only less slutty, and she'd have to dye her hair. Just kidding. Uhhmmmm... I can't think of anyone who's no longer alive, to be honest.

3. I'm with Lisa on this... definitely the air. There's a certain crispness to it that captures the falling leaves, it's a very clean smell. Yes, the air.

The Signal said...

A. I go with kidney stone or childbirth, or cluster headaches (anything that makes someone run full speed at a brick wall has to hurt A LOT) Spinal taps aren't really as bad as people make them out to be.

B. Play me? Elizabeth Montgomery, but only because I love Bewitched so much.

C. I love autumn best anyway, but the smell of the leaves in the morning right after the rain...amazing.