Thursday, September 07, 2006

We're taking bets that you might not watch a lot, but you love TV...

Hello Faithful Readers! How are you on this fine Thursday? I hope that everyone is doing fantastic. Life is pretty good here. Congrats to Danielle on winning the quiz. Sadly she only answered one question, but that was better than everyone else which wasn't many. It is question time and I hope you enjoy them. Invite others to answer. Answer only the questions you like if you have to. Just answer. Thanks.

A. If your life were made into a television show, would it be a soap opera, a drama, or a sitcom? What would it be called?

B. What is your all time favorite commercial jingle?

C. What Fall show are you most looking forward to returning to TV?


A. It would definitely be a sitcom and it would be called YOU DID WHAT?

B. Dr. Pepper - I'm a Pepper. I don't know why, but I have always enjoyed that. It is fun and simple.

C. Obviously I am looking forward to LOST although The Office and How I Met Your Mother are a close close second and third.


Anonymous said...


1. Definitely a Sitcom. It would be called "Insane". :-)

2. McDonald's - "Mac Tonight". That's a throwback to the 80's... the big moon playing the piano, singing that song to the tune of "Mack the Knife"... "It's a good tiiiiime for a great taste - dinner - at McDonaaaalld's..."

3. "House, MD" which already started on Tuesday. That, and all NFL games. :-)

P.S. - I'm looking forward to those scratch & sniff stickers for my sad one answer... and hopefully I'll get more the next time and won't be so sad.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I knew 3 of the answers. I coulda used a little scratch n sniff in my life. (I don't really know what that means)

1. I'd say a drama. It would be called something like: Stone Broke & Tired, which would probably end up just Stone Broke the way these one liner titles are these days...

2. I've gotta say: I don't care for the jingle. I hate when they get stuck in my head, and I've always thought it was weird that we were singing about soap scum.

3. The Office and LOST. I am already in heaven with Prison Break, although I don't really love the show now that they've "Broken". My luscious lipped lover is still fun to watch though.

Liz said...

1. Tradgudrama. I have had so much crappy stuff go on in my life that it is almost comical...It would be called "Playing the Cards You're Dealt" - cuz that is my philosophy to life.

2. The Tootsie Roll jingle from when we were kids..."Everything I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!"

3. Well LOST, of course, but I like CSI and from the looks of the trailers - it seems as though the city is becoming a character again!

Have a great weekend!

Micah said...

1. A dramedy called The Platonic Friend.

2. "Co-stanza", er "By Mennen".

3. Definitely "The Office." I can't wait until the second season DVDs come out - I've read that they contain 2.5 hours of deleted and extended scenes. That's like 5 new episodes right there!

P McT said...

1) I would totally be a sitcom and it would be called Paschion's Place

2) Hmmmm...J-E-L-L-O simple to the point

3) I'm looking forward to The Office and Grey's Anatomy. Thursdays will continue to be great!