We're taking bets that...
* Only the Saints and Falcons have a shot in the NFC.
* you should be arrested or fined for shoveling your snow into the street.
* wrestling women for money should be a TV show that leads into Monday Night Football.
* you don't understand why it is so hard to remove snow.
* the ski-lift dropping in Sugarloaf (Maine) seemed pretty scary.
* this guy deserves to be beating or whipped in public.
* parents who name their children Jody deserve to be punished.
* sometimes a zipper is really not your friend.
* news must be pretty slow in New Zealand for this story to have aired.
* if Joe Webb is not nicknamed Spidey there is something wrong with his teammates.
* Natalie Portman being off the market and pregnant is the most devastating woman news since Jessica Alba got pregnant.
* if you watch Dick Clark on New Year's Eve you will be creeped out for at least a week.
* this guy will probably not have sex with a woman again.
* he will probably have plenty of sex in prison though.
* I feel like the 27 year difference was the main reason for the shooting.
* you can't believe that 2010 is almost over.
* you are pretty damn excited for a rocking 2011!!!
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