Thursday, July 14, 2005

We're taking bets that you need to keep crackers close by...

Interesting story for the day. Polly wants a cracker. Owners of birds have perhaps the pets with the biggest flight risk. (No pun intended) It is amazing that these people were able to get their bird back. I would assume that most birds would be gone like the wind when they were out of their cages. Most bird cages are not that big and birds are usually meant to fly free. Except for penguins and ostriches which flying really isn't happening. These people were able to lure the bird with crackers as pizza just wasn't that effective. Thank God for those little elves at Keebler or this would still be a bird on a wire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where was this information when our little Ollie flew free? I take solace in imagining that he is among a marauding flock of escaped cockatiels, living the life of Reilly. However, I secretly await his return. Thanks anyway, dammit.