Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WTBT Volume 12 Series 2007...

We're taking bets that...

* sometimes your days are meant to be hectic.
* the Al-Qaida's new videotape isn't going to stop the war in Iraq, but rather make GWB more upset.
* the Chargers are going to take a couple of steps back after firing Marty.
* being a teenager in Thailand just got a little tougher.
* I wouldn't have been a high-risk suspect for the Thai police in High School.
* there really is a lack of excitement in sports right now.
* you have to appreciate Sam Adams love of beer.
* Heroes was pretty exciting last night.
* you still don't understand Nikki/Jessica's abilities.
* snow in New England will make me very happy tonight. :)


the Book of Keira said...

I love that in Thailand KISSING is considered inappropriate behavior. Go to Amsterdam and you can watch people do "it" on the street.

I don't understand how mauling people is considered a super power.

My days are always hectic and not in a good way.

Enjoy your snow! I live outside of Seattle and you'd think it would be cold here being that it's february and we're four hours from Alaska.... but it's not cold. It is... springlike. I'll take your snow!

Anonymous said...

Man who stop kissing no like to Bankok.