Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We're taking bets that you want to be a Hero...

Open Letter to the writers of Heroes,

Dear Heroes Writers,

You have me hooked. I cannot let Monday go by without watching your wonderful television goodness. You have almost made me switch my allegiances with TiVoing 24, but I have not switched yet and you are relegated to the VCR.

Thank you for making an intriguing story with plausible mysteries and exciting backgrounds. I know that people with special powers isn't the most plausible thing, but if Buddhist's can float in Tibet anything is possible. I appreciate that you continue to give answers at a rapid pace while asking just as many questions.

I have a favor to ask of you. Could you please not try to be too confusing? I love LOST and think that it has made a wonderful comeback, but it tried too hard in Season 2. Keep some of the stuff simple. I understand that Peter Petrelli is our Superman. Just don't over do it with him. We don't need Clark Kent disguises. We will watch your show for years if you continue to keep it simple. Make the villians complicated and allow the heroes to deal with their struggles with daily life. Thank you for making this TV season along with Friday Night Lights as enjoyable as ever.


Anonymous said...

I think they should hire you to write reviews for them. I know you love it, but

"An intriguing story with plausible mysteries and exciting backgrounds"

just makes it sound like a most excellent show.

Too bad I can't watch it. I guess I'll have to wait for you to buy the season on DVD and then borrow it.

death commish said...

It's a good show, but keep it on the VCR. If you ever un-Tivo 24, you may need your head examined.