Wednesday, September 01, 2004

We're taking bets that Kobe Bryant must be Irish...

Some people have all of the luck. Kobe Bryant is one of those people. The prosecution dropped their case against him after the woman said she would no longer testify. Colorado must be thrilled because it must of cost them millions in taxpayer money. It would of been a freaking circus. Everyone thought the OJ trial was crazy and that was before the media really knew how to deal with it. Now they are experts and can cover a trial from all angles without even breaking a sweat.

You might of read Kobe Bryant's statement after the dismissal, and I think he may finally get it. (if you haven't read it here it is... He will be now and forever a tainted individual to me. Which is an absolute shame because I am a Lakers fan. Does it make it okay to still be a Lakers fan? I mean the entire team did not do something wrong, just Kobe "Backdoor" Bryant. Kobe will probably become just as popular as he was in the past. It is nuts that sports can heal almost all wounds. No one will really care 4 to 5 years from now. While John Smith of Boise, ID will go to jail for the next 10 years of his life. Sports and Money are ultimate ways to be forgiven.

Sorry this wasn't all that funny, but some times taking bets just isn't that funny.

1 comment:

Nai said...

Thsi is coming from a man that still maintaints OJ's innocenece!