Tuesday, September 21, 2004

We're taking bets that these beheadings are freaking messed up...


HOLY SHIT!!! I know that I can barely grasp what things are like in Iraq, but resorting to beheadings. This was common place in France with Marie Antoinette and the guillotine, but in 2004! We have had hostage situations for a long time. Jimmy Carter and Jesse Jackson actually both have been lauded with there work getting hostages released. Many hostages have died, but until recently none that I know of have been beheaded.

Maybe George Lucas is to blame. When Mace Windu beheaded Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones it could have started a trend. It also could have been The Sopranos with Tony chopping off Richie's head after he killed him. But what the Fuck!?!

Part of me wishes this was the 70's or 80's and we didn't have access to this information as readily. At least it wouldn't be on every website and on all of the news stations continuously. I don't want to hear Wolf Blitzer's commentary or Tom Brokaw be completely disgusted by it. I want Walter Cronkite to tell me "that's the way it is, " and be done with it.

Terrorism is obviously scary, but these guys are taking it to new levels. The Multimedia Age has them filming it and showing it to the world. That movie 15 Minutes was completely fucked up but this takes the proverbial fucking cake. Video taping the torture and beheadings to show to the media and all of your Terrorist parties.

PARENTS OF THE WORLD PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN SEE ANY OF THIS. I don't care who you hate; this is not right!!! Starve them, give them tattoos of Sadaam or Osama, put them through the spank machine, but no more beheadings. Cruelty can come in many forms and I hope that we aren't that cruel in the US. I may be very naive and just not know, but please tell me it is not this way here.

Maybe the guy on the street with the sign is finally right. The End of the World is Near! Let's hope not, but be afraid. Let's teach our children something different. Remember the immortal words of Billy Davis. Coca Cola's version of the Best Song Ever !


Nai said...


A post that makes you think, huh? Well, I could comment that, people don't start out like the beheaders. Hatred like it takes to behead someone by hand is grown and cultivated and to just see these news bites and chalk it up to an isolated, crazy person, and cover our righteousness up with our flag is wrong. Hell, if my neighborhood was destroyed by a foreign country (and I don't care what the rationale is)I imagine I would see Americans do some pretty evil crap as well to strike back. Hell I have seen some evil shit after sporting events!

Now I am not condoning or saying we deserve what we get, but if you step back and try to remove the emotions and patriotism from the situation, there is a little bit of reaping what we sow.

But I digress.... what I really want to comment on is your link isn't to Billy Davis' song, but to the Coca Cola version that they turned into a Coke commersial. And that, right there, is the root of all evil.

GMadrid said...

Fixed the linkage part & credited it.

Thanks for your comments. Murder & Destruction may warrant more murder & destruction, but are we beheading anyone? People get pushed to do a lot of things, but beheading someone takes time and work. Or at least I have heard.

Nai said...

You missed my point. An eye for an eye works when the playing field is level, but these zealots are motivated by sensationalism and these beheadings are getting them a world audience. In their minds, this is a proportionate response.

Again, I am addressing the reasons for their actions. You have to get your head around it so that you can figure out how to address the situation, because so far bombing the crap out of people only gets scary religious fanatics really angry. Maybe it is time to try a different approach?

And, you still didn't address the song issue...


Anonymous said...

I dont' think you'd be so gung-ho (sp?) on Coke commercials or coke itself if you knew how little they pay workers around the world in their factories. Take a look at what's been going on in Colombia with the Coke factories. Dat's all.

I'm with you Ian, I don't think Americans can quite comprehend the sheer mass destruction and devastation, lack of food, water, medical attention, police authority, government, family (because so many have been killed, wounded etc.) that could push people to commit such heinous sins against humanity.

Anonymous said...

All I can say, is that this shit is scary. It does make me wish this was WWII and I knew people were being killed, but I didn't SEE it on the news. Think of the families, seeing clips of their loved ones moments before death. Scary.

Nai said...

Greg, see what happens when you get all serious like? My crazy liberal side gets all roused up and I end up sounding like a bleeding heart. Damn it!


I think you are taking my intention of trying to figure out why a situation is happening and reading as condoning said situation. If I beleived in hell, I would say that is a pretty good place for the beheaders.

All I am saying is that we entered a country, distroyed under the guise of WMD, totally underestimated what the post-war situation would be like and now we are stuck with very angry people. And our soldiers (and civilian contractors) are the ones paying the price.

As for Americans and genocide, I think the Native Americans would disagree with you there.


Nai said...

The only thing I disagree with you on is turning a blind eye because the crime is too heinous. I am not trying to justify their actions. As I have stated before...inexcusable. The question that I want answered is why do they hate us so much? What have we done that creates such hatred? No answer to that question will not excuse them of their actions, but it will be important for us to understand so we can get to a better foreign policy that does not tolerate unprevoked attacks on other countries, regardless of what the rationale our leaders give us.

Oh and the Native American incidents were within the last 150 years. We sort of perfected weapons of mass destruction with the handing out of blankets infected with small pox to the native Americans. That is only ancient history to a country that is 300 years old. To the rest of the world whose countries date back centuries, that is a just a drop in the bucket.