Saturday, September 11, 2004

We're taking bets that the support our troops ribbons on cars are just too much...

Of course this may be an improper topic for 9/11, but things may be getting out of hand. I support our troops as much as the next person, but I don't need to put a big bright yellow ribbon magnet on my car with words that no one can read unless they have crashed into me. Support our troops by attending rallys or not protesting GWB or going to one of the million 9/11 activities that will happen today.

We have all become driving billboards and it is time for it to stop. When you have something to say just say it!!! Stand on a freaking soapbox or rooftop and shout it out, but don't make my driving experience all about your issues. I don't care if your son or daughter is an honor student or if your child can beat up that other person's child. I probably can beat all of you up and not break a sweat. (I know a special martial arts called FUK U) We used to have a certain amount of I don't care what is going on in your lives, but now our cars tell everything about us. I now know if someone is a GWB supporter, vegan, Patriots fan, supports abortion and is a grandparent. The only thing that I have ever cared about in a car window is what colleges did you attend or hope to attend and do you have a parking sticker because if you don't I will get your car towed.

Am I less patriotic? Do I not care about the issues of the day because my car doesn't state every little thing that I am? Everyone can do whatever they freaking want to do on their property, but don't cause my ADHD self to crash my car because I am too busy reading what is on your bumper.

By the way if you really want to support the troops get your magnet here. stupid yellow magnet


Anonymous said...

You opinion is all well and good if you do not have a very personal reason to support the military. That whole freedom thing is overlooked and is expected- however...

...I thought I was as patriotic as anyone until the stakes were raised. When a 17 year old boy sees news stories about dead American soldiers every day and still decides to serve his contry...

...when a 17 year old boy who hasn't even experienced his Senior year of high school chooses to sacrifice his last summer of boyhood in basic training to become a man...

...bottom line is that I have always appreciated my freedom but now do so much more because...

...I have a 17 year old boy willing to die to protect my freedom.... and yours as well!

Just to disturb you even further I have a license plate frame that says "Proud Army Dad" and a window sticker that says "My son is in the Army". Those must make you nuts too but his efforts as well as the efforts of 100's of thousands like him allow you to write what you want in your blog without fear of being taken from your home at night and being shot... are absolutly right...those stickers are really irritating!

Other than that I have no opinion on the matter.


GMadrid said...

Excellent comments BWA!!! I am sure that you have extremely valid reasons for car billboarding. I am very proud of your son especially knowing that he put up with you for 17 years and has the strength to make himself better in spite of that. :) He and everyone man and woman that defends our country are selfish individuals who put themselves on the line without even a thank you most of the time. God Bless the US Troops!!

Also, God Bless Idiots who put stupid things on cars like "If you can read this you are too close." WHY THE HELL DO YOU PUT IN ON YOUR BUMPER IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO READ IT!!!

Thanks for your comments. They are greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

To Boomer Mom,

There is nothing wrong with ignorance- just with expressing it! BTW- 17 years old is not a minor but don't let facts get in the way! What was that term- commie pinko...? :-) Hmmm...