Friday, September 17, 2004

We're taking bets that a regular phone ring is a thing of the past...

Dum Dum Dum Dum
Dum Dum Dum Dum

That is what phones have become. Just about everyone on the planet has a cell phone. Many people no longer have home phones. You can find anyone anywhere at any time you need. Now all of those things are just a part of technology advancing us along. Like getting rid of the rotary phone. But what about the stupid ring tones. This is an issue that will never get better and probably only get worse.

"Your phone is ringing." No actually that is not the truth. "Your phone is playing an annoying Britney Spears Song." or "Your phone is telling us that the circus is in town." What happened to the ring? Has it really gone? Is it really that cool to play the latest song from New Found Glory or Avril Lavigne? It is annoying enough when a phone rings during a meeting, but does it have to play "Butterfly" by Mariah Carey?

Why is it that the person with perhaps the most annoying song can never get to their phone quickly? Now I have "It's a Small World" stuck in my head for the rest of the day because you have a dumb ring and you are slow. I say we bring back the days when there was only 3 or 4 rings and they were not too different from each other. Life was simple. Meetings were only interrupted for emergencies. We were productive human beings not robots on phones. Remember that Sesame Street episode where the 2 aliens came down and mimiced the phone ringing. They can't do that now. It just wouldn't make sense. It should be Brrrrrring, Brrrrrring not Baum Chicka Bow Wow. It is crazy. Uh Oh "I'm Too Sexy" is playing. Time to answer my office phone. :)

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