Thursday, September 30, 2004

We're taking bets the PDA can get a little gross...

I am all for loving our fellow human beings. Male/Female, Male/Male, Female/Female - It doesn't really matter to me. If you are walking down the street hold hands all you want. If you are saying goodbye a simple quick kiss goodbye is perfectly fine. Even if you are at the airport and your significant other, who you haven't seen in weeks, gets off the plane have a passionate kiss. I have no problems with these PDAs. No one should. But there is a freaking limit.

When you are at a college dining hall and you both are going to the deli you do not have to be attached at the hip. Let go of each others hand and just freaking walk!!! I mean come on. When you are standing in front of an elevator do not make out in front of me!!! These are simple rules of being in public. You should not be trying to make a porn DVD in front of me. Porn is free on the internet. We do not need to see it in public. Could you please... Is it possible... with sugar on top... don't gross me out in public?

I don't know if I am being bitter because I am currently single or because I have just seen way too many gross PDAs this year. If you must be attached to your partner at all times then seek out a counselor for those issues. If you can't find some private space to do some sloppy kissing and groping go into a stairwell or find a closet. I think I speak for just about everyone I know when I say "JUST GET OUT OF MY EYESIGHT WHEN YOU NEED TO EXCESSIVELY SHOW PDA." Maybe Hallmark should make a card:

Roses are Red
Violets Are Blue
Your kissing is Gross
Get out of my View.

Seek out a Room
Find a Closet
Your Groping is Disgusting
I'm going to Lose it.

Robert Frost was a poet
Haley is a comet
Please stop now
I'm going to Vomit.

It would have a picture of two people slobbering over each other in a circle with a line through it on the inside. It doesn't matter if you are pretty people or ugly people it just needs to stop. Though it is definitely more disgusting when it is Big Foot and Medusa playing tonsil hockey. Maybe I just don't appreciate affection. Please comment and tell me I am not crazy to think this way.


Anonymous said...

I have to say, that I think it is as a direct result of our strict catholic upbringing that our knee jerk reaction to PDA's us UGH, get a room because it makes us feel awkward of voyeuristic, dirty BAD...however, look at countries like Italy, Greece even FRANCE for heavens sake, they're much more accepting of nudity, pdas physical and publicly blatant displays of love and passion etc. etc.....i dunno, my gag reflex kicks in but i'm irish catholic NEW ENGLAND....:)

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't bother me that much. So what if they want to hold hands all the way around the dining hall - just makes it more likely for one of them to drop their tray & much hilarity would ensue. Or if they just want to make out in the middle of people - someone will eventually run into them, or they'll lose their place in line and stop kissing. Who cares what other people do - you either stare really hard and make them uncomfortable, make fun of them, or ignore them. America is an openly-narrow minded country. It's cool for people to do whatever they want until it comes anywhere near us. It's the NIMBY (not in my backyard) syndrome. Like the first commenter said - other countries are much more accepting. I think that we should at least tolerate if we cannot accept.

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet the person who wrote that second comment is a PDAer and doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. I think the point is that we shouldn't have to see it if we don't want to. Yes you can look away, but the damage has been done and what if its right in front of you. Would people be so accepting of everyone having sex in the cafeteria? The reason is because that is something for you to share with eachother and to keep to yourselves. I personally am not big on PDA because I get uncomfortable. However if people think its important at the moment go for it, but realize that people think it's disgusting just like if you see someone who is overweight showing too much skin. It's unfortunate and they should be able to wear what they like, I myself wish I could. However, it is somewhat repulsive. OK enough about that.

Anonymous said...

The previous comment is right on track, just because people are allowed to do certain things does not mean they should! My feeling is PDA's are fine to an extent, hand, a little, a little tounge at a stop light when you think no one will see too, but if you are slobbering all over each other in a crowded area, that just shows a lack of self control. Who knows, I think i'm just bitter too!

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