Open Letter to the makers of video games,
I know that you love to make complicated games with the best graphics ever, but sometimes it is nice to play a game that is just fun. I would trade Madden 2010 for Super Tecmo Bowl any day. Please bring Tecmo Bowl back. It would translate well with today's generation. You don't even need to be great a video games to play. I beg of you. It would be awesome if Tom Brady was the best quarterback like Joe Montana. If Shaun Alexander couldn't be stopped like Bo Jackson. If Michael Strahan was as bad ass as Lawrence Taylor was. Please I beg of you. There has to be a huge market for this.
Thank you,
Greg Madrid
I hear ya. Sure, I love my PS2 games and having a lot of options, but I sometimes get confused when there's 30 buttons and all sorts of different combinations. Guess I'm still stuck in the NES/Genesis days.
Although I haven't bought it (yet), I applaud EA Sports for including the Best Sports Game Ever with their latest hockey game: NHL 94. I probably would've made Dean's List in college if it wasn't for that damn game.
Danielle Says:
I play Mario Party 4. :-)
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