Friday, January 27, 2006

WTBT Volume 2...

We're taking bets that...

* Hamas could spell trouble for GWB and the next few years of his administration.
* Wally Szczerbiak will not make the Celtics better, but he will be the best white guy since Larry Legend.
* kafuffle is a wonderful word that should be used more often.
* in the most unfortunate name game Dickey Nutt coach of the Arkansas State basketball team wins.
* this is why I work in colleges. Hee Hee.
* you can't figure out why skier Bode Miller is so mad at the world.
* I know everyone loves Oprah, but it is refreshing hear that she admitted to a mistake.
* it will be another Duke/UConn NCAA Championship final this year.
* the newest toy for kids is Kill Me Elmo.
* it is not a hate crime if you are the only one who hated the crime. God I love The Office.
* watching Maria Sharapova play makes women's tennis exciting.
* James Blunt and Teddy Geiger are going to have huge years in the Music Industry this year.
* the world should take notice: TIGER is BACK!
* Greg was hilarious on CSI this week.
* this story shows why hockey players are crazy. I would be out at least a month.
* even though Nanny McPhee is a kids movie having to look at the main character creeps me out.
* the merging of UPN and The WB to The CW may just work, but I think they need a better name like The Fluffle Network.
* women's college basketball is more exciting than you think. Especially with all the great teams this year.
* Tom Cruise just keeps getting Katie's way.
* the Alito vote is going to be closer than everyone thinks.
* the movie When a Stranger Calls is going to creepy out babysitters for years to come.
* this is why cats are evil. :)


kristarella said...

I dunno about Wally, but why is it that the sporting team seems to be pronounced "seltics" while the culture is "keltic"?

Kafuffle is very descriptive, nice word.

They should make toys like that targetting adults... get people thinking about what happens after you die - because unfortunately the answer isn't "if you're a good person you will go to heaven".

Tom Cruise is getting Katie's way or getting IN Katie's way. Seems to me that he'd be a very pedantic partner, I'm sure that she is confident enough to only stay with him if she treated her right though so I suppose we are not ones to judge.

My cat has rarely shown evil qualitites, less than most humans - it was usually the birds hunting my cat than the other way around.

P McT said...

I can see James Blunt, but that Teddy guy is a bit to John Mayerish for me! Aqualung will be up there with James though