Monday, August 28, 2006

WTBT Volume 47 Series 2006...

We're taking bets that...

* I have an unbelievable staff.
* Conan O'Brien was hysterical as the host of the Emmy's and he deserves to be revered like John Stewart.
* the first day of classes are always the most fun.
* 24 deserved that Emmy for a great season.
* you are hoping that Ernesto becomes a little guy on a stick. (said with Speedy Gonzales accent) * Tiger is showing that he is the greatest golfer ever.
* one person surviving the Kentucky plane crash sounds like a movie plot.
* the Pats looked pretty impressive in their win over the Redskins this weekend.
* the Emmy The Office won makes me feel real good for all the razzing I took for liking the show.
* Maria Sharpova will win the US Open and Andre Agassi will at least make a run to the quarterfinals.
* I couldn't go one WTBT post without a animal story or a link.


Anonymous said...

Conan O'Brian is a god of latenight and more people should stay up with me until 12:30 to watch his more than awesome show...

also... i really think that dog could have gotten the hang of it had it been give more time.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world Razzed you for liking the office? Really? That's craziness.

I mean, obviously they haven't spent a day in Phyliss's pants.

Daniel said...

I kept switching back and forth from the Emmys to Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and I finally stayed on ATOC.

Conan's rendition of "Trouble" was really silly. It takes a lot of guts to make a total fool of oneself.

Is your staff a big piece of wood like what Moses used to part the Red Sea?

Here's hoping Ernesto shrinks into nothingness soon, and that much comfort is given to those affected by the Kentucky plane crash.

death commish said...

On A Steeek!