Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We're taking bets that there is nothing like Fenway Park...

Here are a few observations.

* When you have tickets to a major league baseball game it is truly exciting. It almost does not matter what the weather is. I go to Fenway Park two to four times a year and everytime it makes me feel like I am 8 years old again.

* Miniclip is one of the coolest sites for addicting games. Thankfully my office computer doesn't let me on to that site.

* Studying and writing papers during the summer sucks. Yes I said, SUCKS Mr. Wozniak. It really amazes me how difficult it is to get motivated when the temperature is 75 degrees and sunny. I do feel for our young adults and can't believe how much I am struggling to finish my final paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can and will agree with #1 and #3. And I guess technically #2 because I can't get on it here at work either.