Tuesday, June 19, 2007

WTBT Volume 48 Series 2007...

We're taking bets that...

* Kristy Swanson is still kinda hot, but I think she could take most people in a fight.
* something is wrong with Curt Schilling.
* this little dog is the creepiest world record holder ever.
* if I owned that dog I would probably kill it by stepping on it by accident.
* gives congrats to Tiger Woods on his new child.
* something weird is going on in Colorado leading a numerous panty raids.
* the 1950s called these guys and said they want their panty raids back.
* this is a pretty strange video.
* you wonder if it really is a ghost.
* wearing a mask is always going to make you a bad guy to the cops.
* if you are looking for a good time this weekend go to the GHO in CT.
* saying good bye to colleagues is very sad.

1 comment:

Maggie Moo said...

I think yesterday's turtle could kick that dog's ass.

I guess someone has to love that little thing...but I'm glad it's not me.

And the GHO-'s LOTS of traffic this weekend...hmmmm could be the excuse that works...