Thursday, June 28, 2007

We're taking bets that you know all the answers...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I hope that everyone is having a fabulous week. It is question time again and I have a few gems for you all. Get others to answer and enjoy reading what others think. Talk to you all soon.

A. With news of the giant penguins of old it got me thinking about other animals that may have been different one day. What animal would you like to see a large or miniature version of?

B. You are handed a camera and are allowed to take only four pictures. What are the four pictures which you take?

C. What’s the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?


A. I would love to have a miniature elephant. I mean they are really cool animals and they could help you to wash your car. Plus a miniature version wouldn't poop as big or eat as much.

B. I would take one of my brother and sister together; one of my parents; one of Fenway Park in black and white; and one of a Miami sunset or sunrise I am not sure which.

C. I went to see Cannonball Run with my uncle and grandfather. It was probably inappropriate for a kid my age to see it, but I thought it was great. I think I might of saw Fox and the Hound and Star Wars before that, but I don't remember them like I do Cannonball Run in the theater.


Maggie Moo said...

These are gems. Though you are going to be mad b/c I'm stealing another answer of yours-the elephant. But really Greg, you KNOW it's my most favorite animal of all time.

I mean, you move the tiny one I have on my kitchen window all of the time. ;)

A. An elephant. They are my most favorite animal of all time and having a small one would be most excellent. How funny would it be to say, "I have a tiny elephant as a pet." That would totally rock.

B. 4 pics. One would definately be of you. Maybe all 4 considering I might never ever get the opportunity again. Ok. Seriously. 1 would be of you. 1 would be of my Nana and I. 1 would be of my sisters and I looking pretty. Maybe in pink. And the last would be of Mariah sleeping peacefully.

C. Hold on. I forgot what you asked...ok. Annie. My cousin Tiffany and I were obsessed with Annie and we got to skip school one day to go see it with my mom and hers. It was totally fun and we were the coolest girls in school for about a week because we saw it, and got to skip school.

I got a little sleep last night, can you tell? 8)

Have a GREAT day Gregory S Madrid!!

GMadrid said...

Nice stealing my answer once again. Annie was a good movie especially because of the guy with the deep voice Punjab.

Maggie Moo said...

Yes, yes...Pujjab was one cool dude.

Danielle Athanas said...

I will do no answer stealing. :)

A. I wouldn't like to see anything minature or larger than they already are. I would, however, love it if a golden retriever could stay a puppy forever. I always wanted a golden because they make great puppies, but then they grow up.

B. I would take a picture of Steve in a hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, a picture of my family, a picture of a Jamaican sunset from Ocho Rios, and a picture of a koala bear.

C. The first movie I remember seeing in the theater is Karate Kid 3. :)

Michelle King said...

A. I would make all snakes tiny because then I might not be so scared of them.

B. 1-I would get a family picture of me, my brother and our parents. 2-I'd get a picture of my fiancé when he does his half-smile smirk. 3-I'd get a picture of either the ocean, a river or a lake because I love the water. 4-A picture of all my friends and family because they are an essential part of my life.

C. I went to see Lady and the Tramp with my aunt. I also saw E.T. with my parents and they bought me a pin that I think I wore on my