Friday, May 20, 2005

We're taking bets that the first question I ask myself when something doesn't seem to be beautiful is why do I think it's not beautiful...

It is question time again at the WTBT offices. Post your responses in the comment section. I would also like to thank John Cage for the above headline quote.

A. What are your Top 5 Star Wars Characters?

B. If, like milk or the newspaper, you could have anything of your choice delivered to your doorstep every morning, what particular item would you want it to be?


1. Han Solo - Maybe the coolest person in the galaxy.
2. Obi-Wan Kenobie - Alec Guiness was excellent, but Ewan McGregor made him even better.
3. Chewbacca - He didn't wear clothes and no one cared.
4. Darth Vader - The best villian ever.
5. Padme - Hottest Woman in Star Wars History(Even hotter than Leia in the gold bikini)

B. I would like $100 dropped off on my door every day. That way I would always have some cash in my pocket and wouldn't have to worry about using my ATM card to get cash. Plus it would be an extra $700 a week tax free. :)


Anonymous said...

1. Yoda - He's cute. He's green. Weird Al wrote a song about him. But he's still kinda bad-ass.
2. Mace Windu - this probably wouldn't rank if Samuel L. Jackson hadn't played him and taken a pay cut just to be the only one to use a purple light sabre. I really wanted him to say "Mother F****r" in the fight scene in "Attack of the Clones".
3. Princess Leia - I just remember wanting to do my hair like hers when I was a little kid.
4. Darth Vader - Like Greg said about the villain thing.
5. C3PO - I don't know why, but for some reason I get a kick out of that uptight robot. :-)

Wow Greg... I'm with you on that $100 a day thing, only I'd make it $150 because $1050 is still low enough to be able to take it cash free. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. I'm such a geek.
1. Kit Fisto
2. Darth Maul
3. Bossk
4. Mara Jade
5. Count Dooku
I'll let you figure out who they all are if you don't already know.

As for the second question, I'd love a heaping helping of happiness delivered to my door every day. You never seem to have enough, but you can't have too much.

Anonymous said...

1. Mace Windu.. the coolest black man in the galaxy.. better than Lando... But he should really say "motherfucker" after everything he said.. all pulp fictionisque (haha.. I just noticed that Danielle said the same thing... haha) The lightsaber says "BMF" on it too.. haha
2. Chewy - Nuff Said.
3. That Jedi with the tenticles.. I think Robness got it.. Kit Fisto maybe?
4. Yoda is still the best..
5. Number 5 is tough.. id say Darth Vader, but everyone says him and hes a given. The Whole Baba Fett thing was lost to me when I found out he was really once a whiny brat with bad acting skills.. so Id have to go with that new droid "Sith Lord" Gen Grievious... I wish he were in more light saber battles..

Um.. your $100 idea sounds cool. but... um... maybe a puppy? I dunno. But I probably wouldnt want him or her stuffed under the door so that would hurt.. maybe if I had a doggy door installed.. and every morning the puppy man would drop off a puppy.. yeah sounds stupid... haha

- Kevin G (The G stands for Gangsta.. haha)

P McT said...
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P McT said...

Well i'm very clueless on the Star Wars front but i'll give it a stab
1) the Samuel L. Jackson character, cause Samuel L Jackson is cool so i'm sure I would like the character he plays
2)Darth Vader - Cause him and Sam's character are the only two black people in star wars movies I think
3)Prince Leia - because I like her hair and I think she stands for good not evil
4)C3PO - I have a thing for electronic movie characters I think they're great and usually funny, like the one from Short Circuit
5)Chebaca - Simply a great name and sounds like a hump back whale gargling

2) I would have love delivered cause really can a person have or give too much of that...I think not
Yeah its super cheesy and i'm not sure how one would deliver love but thats what i'd want