Tuesday, May 31, 2005

We're taking bets that jokes are fun...

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend. I went on a couple day hiatus in honor of our veteran's lost in war. This morning I heard a very funny joke on 96.5 FM Craig & Company morning show.

A man and his wife wanted to be able to talk about having sex without their small children knowing. So they decided to come up with some code words so that their children are none the wiser. They decide that they will talk about typewriting.

So one day the man tells his 5 year old daughter to tell her mother he needs to type a letter. The girl runs to her mother and her mother says to tell him that he cannot type a letter because the typewriter is loaded with red ribbon.

A couple of days later the wife asks the daughter to tell her husband that the typewriter doesn't have any more red ribbon and he can type his letter. The girl runs and tells the father. The girl comes back to the wife and says "Daddy says it is okay because he handwrote the letter yesterday."



Anonymous said...

Sick, but very funny! :)

Daniel said...

I get it!