Wednesday, May 11, 2005

We're taking bets that new technology is not for everyone...

Here are a couple random thoughts over the last few days.

* Many supermarkets across the country now have self-serve check-outs. Although this is supposed to be a quicker way to go through the check-out lines some people are not ready for this privilege. I observed a lady yesterday struggle with every item that she needed to scan. For the most part the barcodes are on the bottom of packages. This lady couldn't find many of the barcodes as she only looked on the front and the top. I almost took the items and scanned them myself. Technology is wonderful, but we still need people to help some of these idiots. I won't get on my soapbox about still needing people to provide service, but it really will be a shame if we lose cashiers at supermarkets.

* Although I do not have children, I think that it is a problem to yank a toddler by am arm in order to pick them up. Dislocation comes to mind as well as freak kids with one arm drastically longer than another.

* What is going on with the guy selling the Jesus Christ's Pants on E-Bay? This freak says that Jesus came to him naked and borrowed some clothes. After he wore them he gave them back. I actually think the guys name was Jesus pronounced Hay-Seuss and this fool let a homeless guy wear his clothes.

* I truly think we need a break from brutal killings of children in the United States. How about a nice story about a person who is killing crazy pedophiles? Or even a happy story about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston getting back together. It is depressing and although most news is depressing, children murders are the worst.

* Is anyone besides me tired of the saying, "______ is the new black." What the hell does that mean? When was black the "in" color that we need to say that? It seems like a ridiculous thing to say and I think we need to come up with something different. Any suggestions?