Wednesday, September 21, 2005

We're taking bets sometimes fear gets in the way...

Many of you may remember my story about my awful haircut. It has been a very traumatic experience and the repercussions are being felt as we speak. I am six days away from the two month mark. I have not received a haircut since. Yesterday after my eye doctor appointment I was going to get a haircut.

It never happened. Although my hair looks quite awful right now and is going to quickly become a weird afro, I am afraid to get a haircut. I drove past at least 50 different places that I could have gotten a haircut and had anxiety at every place. I didn't even get out of my car. Now I know that this sounds stupidly superficial, but I do enough things that make me look like a freak that my hair was always relatively normal. Part of me wants to drive to Lowell and let the ladies who have never given me a bad haircut do it. With gas prices that will make it about a $40 haircut. Is it worth it? It really is sad that one simple event can effect you in such a way. Stupid hairdresser. Maybe I will break down and just go to a barber. Getting your hair washed by is something special though. What is a boy to do? :)


Anonymous said...

Steve's going through the same thing, and I keep telling him he should go where you went (and I like that place too). He went to the Andover Barber Shop forever - it's where he went with his grandfather from the time he was 5. Well, last year the main barber retired and that was the guy that did all Steve's haircuts. The daughter was doing them, but he wasn't impressed. He's since been to four different places and none of them have been "the same".

Familiarity, comfort - and most of all trust. The thing with a men's haircut is that once it's cut, if it's a terrible cut you're stuck with it, so you need to be able to trust who's cutting your hair. With me, if I get a bad haircut I can foof with it and make it presentable. The joys of being a woman.

Point is - if you need to come all the way to Lowell, make a day of it. Do it on a Saturday and make plans to visit someone. Me, for example. :-) (Or I could visit you sometime, meet halfway or something).

GMadrid said...

I like that you said "foof". :)

Anonymous said...

I think you should go for the fro. But that's just me.

Nai said...


You got to get over your fear. You got a bad haircut at Mastercuts! Where all the haircutting liscenses are pending! The fault, in that situation, lies with you.

You know plenty of people in the area who go to different places in Springfield and walk out with great haircuts.

You get a "boys regular" for crying out loud! It's not like you have big pompadour. I seriously beleive that you can find an acceptable stylist in the Springfield area and can move on.

And those nearest and dearest to you can get a change of subject!

Just a thought....


Liz said...

I'm telling you...Robb Carty Salon on Boston Rd. in may be $20 for the cut, but you won't be disappointed. Tell him that Teri and I sent you!

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