Thursday, September 29, 2005

We're taking bets that Chewbacca isn't a pitcher...

Am I the only one that was disturbed by Chewbacca from Star Wars throwing out the first pitch at Fenway Park last night? That was definitely a weird site to see. I hope everyone is doing well. It is question time again. Some fun questions for everyone to enjoy. Remember you can answer anonymously, so put your answers in the comments section.

A. What would you rather do and why? Drink 16 oz. of your least favorite drink or eat a serving size of your least favorite food.

B. What is the one thing you would like to be famous for?(even if you are awful at it now)


A. I would much rather eat something because you could swallow the food down quickly with out too much touching your tastebuds. Drinking something awful would just stay with you all day. Yuck.

B. I would like to be a famous singer/dancer. I have a very average(maybe below average) voice. I do know that I cannot really dance, but I do still try. I do know that I am better than at least one person in the world whose upper body moves independently of his lower body. Can anyone guess who? :)


Anonymous said...

A: I would definitely want to eat a serving size of my least favorite food because you can always tuck your tongue back and the food won't even touch it. A drink envelopes your whole mouth no matter what. Gross.

B: I would like to be a famous cake baker. If someone was having a birthday or a wedding I would like my name to be the first they think of when they are planning.

And I didn't happen to see Chewy last night, but I too, would have been disturbed.

Anonymous said...

A. I echo sentiments with the serving size of my least favorite food. Washed down with my most favorite drink to make up for it.

B. Hands-down a stand-up comedian. I think I could do it with the right training, but life is just too hectic right now to even attempt it.

And if I had to take a guess... are you talking about that high school football player that has no legs? ;-)

Liz said...

Drink, eat...if you don't like it what's the difference? I guess I would eat.

I would want to be a writer. Not of the greatest American novel, but of short stories. I have a boss that is very critical of my writing, but I actually like to write. With practice, I guess I will get better.

Anonymous said...

A. goes down MUCH quicker than food
B. Politician.....
C. NICK PISCATELO!! (sp?) damn he can move

Anonymous said...

Man... I totally forgot about Nick's slick dancing skills. :)

P McT said...

1) I would drink, it would go down faster and hopefully come out faster too!!

2)I would be a famous party planner or cater, you almost always get to deal with people in a good mood AND I would be doing something I love!

Anonymous said...

I'd go with the food. I'm very strict about my beverage intake these days (no alcohol or caffeine) and I don't budge for anyone.

I'd like to be known for being good person, who lived a great life, and impacted many people's lives. And was good in bed.

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read Chevrolet metro