Sunday, September 25, 2005

We're taking bets that sometimes you need to share your feelings...

Open Letter to You Know Who,

I am very sorry. I know it was I who moved away and put this distance between us. The move was the best decision for me and there was nothing you could do to change my mind. It doesn't make it hurt any less, that I had to go. I didn't realize until now how addicted I am to you. With your best seasons coming up it makes me miss you even more.

It is not like I don't see you at all. I do get some time with you at least once a week, but before we had so much more opportunity to see each other. It seemed like whenever I turned around I was able to find you. Now we have such a distance between us and it is making me miserable. I have seen and talked to others and no one can compare to you. You keep me warm on a cold night and cool me off on a hot summer day. Where am I going to find that again? Sure I can drive to see you and you do make the inconvenience worthwhile, but as each day passes it gets harder and harder to do.

Why can't I get you out of my system? It took me a long time to even give you a chance and maybe now our time has past. I know you never promised me anything or even said I love you back, but we had something special. Once I had a taste of you my whole world changed. Oh my dear Starbucks please open a new store near me. I miss you so and don't think that I can live with out you. Show me you care for me as much as I care for you.

Love Forever,



Anonymous said...

You've got problems...really, you should see someone about this addiction.

Anonymous said...

That post made me giggle. :-)

Nai said...

Dear Greg,

Your loss of Starbucks has given me a new lease on life. Now that you have stopped shelling out for overpriced coffee and other Starbucks specialty drinks, I actually have money to keep safe.

I owe you my thanks!


Your wallet

P McT said... are not lying!!
The closest starbucks is about 45 minutes away, the closest dunks is a half hour and their coffe sucks and the closest panera is about 35 minutes away its a HOTT MESS with no egg nog latte's close by.
I was in DC this weekend with lots of starbucks around why did I have two venti drinks with in 4 hours... I felt like a crack addict as soon as I saw the first sign, it was like an automatic itch!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man... I can't believe how much I appreciate Dunks now that the nearest one is in Bridgeville... 45 minutes away... and I just found out it closed.

Aw, well... at least I'm near two Waffle Houses and a Cici's Pizza. Yummy!