Friday, September 09, 2005

We're taking bets that if you want it all you've got to lay it all on the line...

Here are some observations from the cheap seats:

* In a most important development I was actually cool when the cute receptionist behind the counter at an eyeglasses place flirted with me and told me I looked much younger than my age. No nothing happened(Her boyfriend stopped by shortly after and I am not a pick-up artist of any kind), but the fact was that I was cool for a couple of minutes. Doesn't happen very often and may not happen again this decade, but it did once.

* Now that phone booths are no longer common place where does Superman go to change from Clark Kent? This is an important thing that needs to be explored. I mean there isn't really anywhere to hide. Maybe in one of those pay-public toilets. Of course he would have to carry around a pocket full of quarters.

* If my brother and I saw one more shot of Tom Brady's footwork yesterday I think we would have gone up to Foxboro just to punch John Madden. That guy really gets stuck on one thing and the ABC producers let him ramble on.

* Why do older men (68+) insist on wearing long socks to their calves while wearing shorts? It is not the fact that some wear black, some brown, some white, some argyle, but the fact that your lower legs cannot get that cold. Are they hiding their ankles? Is there something I should know about getting older and my ankles?

* It is sometimes fun to be around a dirty old man because you get to be the apologetic one while the old guy makes comments. They have no shame and just shout things out sometimes that usually would get you beaten up in a bar, but is fair game at Home Depot.

* Do the Raiders really think they are going to be a good team this year? The only hope they have is to throw 10 balls each half long and hope that Randy Moss catches at least 3 or 4 of them. The Patriots were not peak performers and they still made the Raiders look bad.

* Has everyone seen the picture of Evangeline Lilly and Michelle Rodriguez in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly? Holy Hotness!!!

* Steve Shields threw 3 of the nastiest pitches for strike three I have ever seen last night against the Red Sox. All with the bases loaded. You will not see a performance again this season.

* It shocks me that only three people responded to my weekly questions. Especially with the stripper song question. Everyone has thought about that at least once and many of you have did it in front of a mirror while that song was playing in your room. Yes Everyone. :)

* The cliche is that you can never go home again, but for the second time in less than a year I am going to try again. WNEC here I come!!!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of's funny that your spam comment of the day offers advice on debt...

Maybe you'll be able to spring for some magic markers instead of crayons.


Congrats again on the job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait, what? I have never, ever, practiced anything in a mirror such as that which you imply! Is that really something people do?

Anonymous said...

"If my brother and I saw one more shot of Tom Brady's footwork yesterday I think we would have gone up to Foxboro just to punch John Madden. That guy really gets stuck on one thing and the ABC producers let him ramble on."

Back in the day when I used to watch MNF in Griff's suite, we used to have a saying...

"John Madden... GET OFF MY TV!!!"

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