Sunday, September 04, 2005

We're taking bets that the Big Easy isn't...

Thousands of lives have been lost and many more will probably be lost in the coming days. We have reached our worst natural disaster in over 50 years. Celebrities are having fundraising concerts and donating from their coffers. $10.5 billion has been pledged by Congress. Aid has been pledged by Austria, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Finland, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain and The Netherlands. What is the rest of the world doing? Absolutely nothing just like it should.

At some point we decided to be the protectors of the world. When you become the protectors of the world there is no one to protect you. It is great that all of those above countries have helped but we keep forgetting how to take care of ourselves. Many things could have been done to prevent the levees breaking. No I don't blame Bush, but all of the politicians that have come and gone over the last twenty years when flags were raised regarding New Orleans. Maybe this tragedy will allow us to look a little harder at what effects us as Americans and a little less on what is going on in the rest of the world. Maybe then the rest of the world wouldn't hate us so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On my way to Houston tomorrow
Tomorrow night I plan to arrive in Houston so that I can start working out of my firm's office there.
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