Wednesday, September 28, 2005

We're taking bets that red is not my color...

I am a relatively hard person to embarrass. I go with the flow and don't blush all that often. Today was one of those few times. I was sitting in my car riding from the Old Job to the New Job and I was singing along to the radio. Now those of you that know me realize that I am a car dancer and like to bop my head along with the music. I came to a stoplight and I didn't really realize what the song was that I was singing. Then I looked over at the car next to me and the 50 year old woman was giving me a funny look. I really didn't care if she thought my dancing was funny, but then I realized I was singing along to My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. This isn't really a song a grown man should be singing. I immediately decided to change the station and stop singing. I am not sure why I felt embarrassed as she had no clue what I was singing, but I did. There are certain songs people shouldn't sing. If I ever heard my Dad singing "Too Close" by Next or my Mother singing "Me So Horny" by 2LiveCrew. I would be embarrassed then too. It is not often it happens, but I was embarrased today. :)

1 comment:

Theresa said...

ha ha!!! my mom singing anything newer than seals and croft would be a shocker! oh wait, there was that little interest in billy squier in the 80's....