Sunday, December 26, 2004

We're taking bets that babies aren't meant to go to the movies...

Every year since 1997(maybe 1998) I have gone to the movies on Christmas night. It was a tradition started by Ian and I to celebrate his birthday which is Christmas Day. We decided to go to two movies this year. As always it was a fun time and I got to see his parents, who are two of my favorite people. (Thea & Brian too.)

When Ian and I were in the second movie that started at 9:30 pm there was two women with a 5 month old (or younger) baby. Now I understand that it can be hard to get out when you have a child and babysitters can be very expensive, but come on!!! When the baby started to cry they just tried to soothe him/her and not take her out of the theater. Now my movie experience was negatively affected by this. It made me very disappointed and wonder.

Who is at fault? Should the theater have a policy on babies under a certain age? Is the mother completely neglect in having her baby out that late at night? I am curious to hear other's thoughts on this topic. Make comments and tell me what you think.


Suzi said...

Yep. Parents shouldn't take infants and small children to movies, unless they are extremely well behaved, or it is a children's movie. Or, they should leave the theatre when baby/child begins to be loud. The theatre should have a policy that they will ask a patron to leave if they are disrupting a movie. Period. Back in the "old" days, movies had a "cry" room where mothers could take their baby and still see at least some of the movie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Greg, there ought to be a law. This also applies to church, and basically any other public event. If you choose to bring your baby and it's fussy, get outta dodge, and I think that venues should enforce this rule, a screaming baby is a lot more distracting than a cell phone ringing.

P McT said...

Happy Belated B-Day Ian

THere shouldnt' have to be a law. Parents should just have some damn common sense. I my family you take a baby somewhere and they start crying you excuse yourself with the child and figure out what they need. What people don't seem to understand is once you have a baby its all about them all the time and thats the way it should be until they reach an age where they understand otherwise. People are just dumb and having a child out in a germ infested movie theather on a cold ass night is simply neglectful!