Sunday, December 05, 2004

We're taking bets that drunks are funny...

I have long believed that drunks are very funny. My belief has been strengthened by the fact that I now work security at The Brewery in Lowell, MA. I get to see some of the funniest interactions. Some of them are actually pretty sad. There was a girl tonight who could not even walk out of the club on her own. Another guy we shut off kept trying to come back in and the police finally arrested him.

The most fun is watching people who are interested in each other, but are totally drunk. They look like little kids who are getting to see a puppy for the first time. They don't know what to make of the other while at the same time they are totally into each other. The best is when you know that they are going to regret it in the morning. The girl probably has extensions that she needs to take out of her hair or the guy has false teeth and only has one in the middle.

Remember that being drunk is a very fun thing as long as you are responsible. Also remember that being the sober one in a group of drunks might be the most fun you can have and you will always be able to remember it. :)

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