There are so many heavy news stories coming out every day that I thought it would be nice to share some lighter side of the news.
* I ran across this story of a toddler who took his mother's car for a little spin. Now I understand being in a rush and leaving your car running while you went into a store, but with your 2 year old inside? Did she have a baby on board sign in the window and another sign that said Kidnappers beware baby bites? Why make it easier for all of the sickos out there? It is not like the 70's & 80's where you just left your kid out back to be attacked by a ram and you didn't care. You have to watch your children in public. What was she thinking and why wasn't she cited for some criminal offense?
* A crazy kissing bandit was sent to prison for life in Oregon. He said that kissing on the neck was not intimate. I don't think he has read Men's Health or Cosmo lately. I do love what the judge said, "In ordinary social intercourse, one adult does not touch the neck of another adult outside of intimate relationships, at least not without some unusual but reasonable justification." I guess that pretty much sums it up. Plus the article said he sucked on her neck, which is not really kissing, but more vacuum like.
* Remember it is okay to love your bear and to have your bear love you but it is not okay to LOVE your bears. Your honor it is only for a conjugal visit. :)
Neck sucking... aka... giving a huge hickey.
Yick. Thank god he got in trouble.
And I wonder what kind of "unusual but reasonable circumstances" of social neck-touching would be acceptable... *shudder*
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