Tuesday, January 11, 2005

We're taking bets that all hope is gone...

This is pretty tough for me to even say... People make decisions and it is sometimes for the best, but do they understand who they are hurting. Why O WHY HAVE Jennifer and Brad split up?!?

It just doesn't seem right. They were the golden couple of Hollywood. Everytime you saw them together it just looked like they fit. To me they were the Tom and Jerry of movies. If they cannot make it in this crazy world what hope do others have? I mean will Jennifer Garner break Ben's heart again. Can Britney Spears keep Kevin in line? Will Freddie be able to keep his prints on Sarah? Will J.Lo "Get Real" and dump Marc Anthony?

Thankfully it isn't craziness like there was in old Hollywood where Rock Hudson almost married everyone of his co-stars even though he was really gay. (Not sure what "really gay" is, but it sounds good.) Or when Elizabeth Taylor married everyone even as she got uglier and uglier. I say we need to follow the wonderful example set by Brigit Nielsen and Flavor Flav. Why get married when you can fool around and have others as well? :)

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