Thursday, January 13, 2005

We're taking bets that the news was weird today...

Does it really matter to anyone that a mammal may have eaten a dinosaur once? How important is it if Shakespeare had syphilis? Maybe to a few of these crazy scientists. My life will not change one bit with this groundbreaking information.

Now this information could change everyone lives, because it has kept me up at night for years. I have been so concerned about those two and now that they aren't at the in the spotlight I am glad that they can be friends again.

I think that these kids had a great idea, but tater tots are just too tempting to throw. I mean that and cubed jello. The funniest part was the quote by the kid sitting with the foreign exchange students. Like they have never been part of a food fight.

Lastly the stupid guy of the week. I think that men shouldn't be allow to play with fire. Though the thought of roasted pig does sound exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »