Saturday, January 29, 2005

We're taking bets that if you blink you will miss it...

Last night I went to the UMass Lowell - UNH varsity Hockey Game. The crowd was incredible as it was UML Night(Isn't every hockey game at UML... UML Night?) for the faculty and staff. This means that tons of people went because it was a special night and not to support the University. They also gave away a ton of free tickets to students.

One of the things about going to a College or University in New England is that there isn't always a ton of school spirit. BC and UCONN may have it but not too many other places. One of the things that people look back on is there connection to their college. Having school spirit strengthens that connection. It doesn't have to come in the form of sports, but that is the easiest way to do it. They are your peers competing for you and your University. I know that some athletes can be assholes and that makes you hate supporting them, but a majority of them are well meaning people who will not play the sport competitively after graduation.

College can be some of the best memories you will have. Looking back at your college experience what did you do or are you doing to make the school a fond memory and not just the people. Go support College Athletics, Student Activities programs, Ensembles and Plays. It will make a huge difference on how you look at things years from now. Especially at UML where the hockey team kicked UNH's ass 7-0 and have one of those special teams that you only see once in a while. Support them and maybe they will support you. :)


Anonymous said...

I 100% agree, school spirit is the way to go, I wish that the athletes could get the fact that if they are asshole in the dorms they're living in...then their "peers" don't want to go watch them play, which means that pretty soon the alunmi won't want to come wacth them play either, so bye bye cushy scholarship, which is the reason they act like assholes to begin with. Ahh...the circle of life.

Other than that, where's year 5! Some of us UML Res Lifers are still waiting to hear what life was like in the skyscraper! :-) Seriously, you'll be missed, who cares if people are wondering why you left out certain details from the past years, and decided to include others...just write what you want.

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