Saturday, October 15, 2005

We're taking bets that Romney dropped the ball again...

Massachusetts has had a rough week. Although it was nothing compared to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina or Rita it has been pretty bad. Governor Mitt "I only care about being President" Romney waited until 3/4 of the state was in dire need before declaring a state of emergency. He failed to even stop and see the destruction in Western Mass. because we don't really count like Boston does. It was up to Mayor Charlie Ryan to try and help Springfield.

Mitt Romney has been an absolute disgrace. He has seemed to forget that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts consists of four main areas: Eastern Mass., Central Mass., the Cape and the Islands, and Western Mass. Why is this? Because he is stupid. I don't mean that he has a low IQ, but rather he hasn't realized that people vote in this section of the state and continually want to see his presence in WMass. I don't think the Mormons are very proud of you Mitt. You are giving them a bad name. If you hate Mitt as much as I do tell me why.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess the fact that his name is "Mitt" kinda makes me want to hate him. Is the "W" name really bad enough to drop it and go by "Mitt"?

That alone makes him stupid.

death commish said...

Why I hate Mitt...

1. Screwed my wife out of her raise for over 2 years and still vetoed it this year. You know, the one that still needed an override by the Statehouse? Yeah, because he felt that "backpay shouldn't be paid".

2. Blew off the Big E until there was so much outrage this year, he finally showed up...but not even on Massachusetts Day.

3. Even before he became Gov. he screwed up the Olympics in Utah.

4. He's from friggin Utah!

5. He's simply using this job as a platform for running for Pres. Have any of our previous gov's spent so much time in the Carolinas or Cali as this one has? How about spending some time in the state you're supposed to be running!

6. He couldn't give a crap about West Mass. Then again, who has? Anyone else up to succeeding?

7. His name is that of a piece of equipment I use to catch a ball with. What, was a classmate of his already using the nickname "Bat"?

8. He's from friggin Utah!

Liz said...

Well as a state worker (and one who is part of a union) I have not found any reason to like him. It was Jane Swift (Swifty to many of us on campus) that ratified our contract but did not fund it. Mitt inherited this problem but made no effort to fix it. Instead, he continually thumbs his nose at us.

He didn't have my vote the first time, and he won't have it for any subsequent election he participates in...Governor, President, or church moderator.

Anonymous said...

Mitt Rocks and all of you that dont think so are nuts!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »