Monday, October 03, 2005

We're taking bets that we waste too much time on stupid stuff...

Here are a couple of random observations...

* Scientists have found the perfect combonation of water and sand for making a perfect sandcastle. No we have not cured AIDS or Cancer, but we can make sandcastles. How ridiculous is this? I think we should then study the proper techique for making the perfect spitball.

* Fantasia Barrio from American Idol cannot read. She has written a book though. The saddest thing in the article is that she does not mention whether or not she is trying to learn to read. HELLO!!! You have a four year old daughter!!!

* George W. Bush has described his new Supreme Court Justice nominee as "a pit bull in size 6 shoes." I wonder if Laura Bush gets the same type of comments. "Honey, you are like a cow in leather." or "Baby, you are a gorilla in Gucci." I think most men should look at GWB and say that is not how to succeed. Luckily for him he had a very rich and powerful daddy.

Blogger's notes: In the Fantasia article that I originally read it did not include the part that she was learning to read. In the article I posted it did say that. Thank you to Krystina for pointing that out. :)


Anonymous said...

Actually it does...

"That hurts really bad," she said, adding that she is now learning to read with tutors.

It's mentioned right after the contract thing. :-p


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