Saturday, October 08, 2005

We're taking bets that you better get your ark...

Here are a few random thoughts from the last few days.

* I know that we have been spoiled in New England with great weather over the last 3 months, but this rain is a little crazy. It has been no hurricane, but it does feel like this is what the bible called as the "Great Flood". I think I am going to start getting my ark ready.

* Nickelcreek put on an absolutely awesome concert at the Orpheum in Boston on Thursday. You haven't lived until you have seen a mandolin played properly.

* Why is it so hard for climate controlled places to get the right temperatures? It was 7,000 degrees at the Orpheum and most movie theaters like to store meat along with showing a movie.

* It only took one year for Red Sox fans to revert back to having no faith in the Red Sox. This just wasn't their year and I don't think it is the Yankees year either. Hopefully. Besides it is better for baseball for someone else to be in the playoffs like the White Sox and Astros.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »